Sujet : Re: So You Think You Can Const?
De : 643-408-1753 (at) *nospam* (Kaz Kylheku)
Groupes : comp.lang.cDate : 15. Jan 2025, 21:03:47
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On 2025-01-15, Julio Di Egidio <> wrote:
Could you point to the post from which you are quoting?
What's your ETA on this bizarre meltdown coming to an end?
Days? Hopefully not weeks!
Bacarisse and Brown are among the most level-headed people who
have ever been regulars here, and to my recollection have never resorted
to making anyone feel small, let alone direct insult.
Odd choice of targets.
We have discussed ways of coding this and that here for years now; it's
never intended as "Imbecile, thou shalt code every situation like this
using the following pattern, which is overhwelmingly superior in every
conceivable variant of such a situation."
Anyway, in professional settings, organizations do code reviews. You may
be an ultra senior with forty years of coding experience, but you will
still get comments about something being doable in a nicer way and
graciously act on them.
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