Sujet : Re: So You Think You Can Const?
De : 643-408-1753 (at) *nospam* (Kaz Kylheku)
Groupes : comp.lang.cDate : 15. Jan 2025, 21:16:14
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <>
References : 1 2 3 4 5 6
User-Agent : slrn/pre1.0.4-9 (Linux)
On 2025-01-15, Julio Di Egidio <> wrote:
Anyway, I am just forwarding it to the Punisher, I am only here to have
a good look at the fraudulent then lurid shit by the/some? comp.lang.c
Well, now you have seen that you can say almost whatever the hell you
want on Usenet, and you will not be banned. At worst, individuals might
filter you out with their private kill files (which can be evaded with
a tiny effort).
If this were Redddit, Hackernews, Mastodon, Facebook, you would be gone,
right? And that's not necessarily a good thing; I probably speak for
nearly all of us here when I say we like Usenet the way it is.
Here you would have to abuse the actual network (e.g. with massive
spamming) in order to bring on a network-level action against you.
Now that you have felt what it's like to wield this mighty Usenet
superpower, do you think you can you put it back into its box?
You can always open the box at some future time, when humanity is
grappling with a strange, alien adversary that happens to turn into a
puddle of grease when told to "eat shit and die". You will be a hero!
-- TXR Programming Language: Cygwin Native Application Library: