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followups trimmed to comp.lang.c30 hours of programming was so fun to me sometimes! Back in the day. Of course I would hydrate and eat food during the hyper interesting journey. Think of getting into a roll with the code, and just going, on and on... 14 hours is nothing, ! ;^)
In comp.lang.c Chris M. Thomasson <> wrote:Does anybody listen to any particular music when there are on, say a 30This is OT, usually I would ignore, but :)
hour coding spree, barely any sleep? Fwiw, I remember listening to this
old video game music from Final Fantasy II back in the 90's during code
adventures for sure:
Just wondering... :^)
I have never done that over the many decades I have
been a programmer. I would suggest you do no more then
say 12 hours straight. Mistakes will happen plus, this
will affect your health.
Just a friendly warning.
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