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Mark Summerfield <> wrote or quoted:So, what have you done with the real Stefan Ram?I don't want to post the code since it is just for me relearning C.It's totally your prerogative if you wanna keep your code
on the down-low. No need to spill the beans.
But just to cut through the fog in your logic, your "since" reasoning
is a bit of a brain-bender: If I'm cranking out some code to sharpen
my C chops, that's no reason to bury it six feet under later on.
(I'm creating a tiny collections lib: Vec (of void*), VecStr, VecInt,Yeah, for sure. But we got to wonder if these are really
SetInt, SetStr.)
meat-and-potatoes C problems . . .
Scope out what C was cooked up for in the first place. Eyeball
those vintage UNIX source files: "find.c", "echo.c", "tar.c",
"ls.c", "zork.c", "tail.c", and all that noise. How many of
those kick off with a container library?
What gnarly waves are you missing out on in efficient and
idiomatic C programming by thinking, "I'll use my container
library and write C like it's some Silicon Valley startup code!"
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