Liste des Groupes | Revenir à cl c | (Scott Lurndal) writes:I also have dyslexia. I am dependent on a spell checker to spell accurately. And that is one of the reasons why Malcolm should do a better job of writing accurately - it is much easier for others to read posts when the spelling and the grammar is correct. I would, of course, also like him to do a better job at his grammar, but using a spell-checker is so simple and low-cost that it is inexcusable for him not to use one.
David Brown <> writes:As someone with dyslexia I have never liked mocking remarks aboutOn 16/03/2024 12:33, Malcolm McLean wrote:>>And here's some code I wrote a while ago. Use that as a pattern. But not>
sure how well it works. Haven't used it for a long time.
Your implementation is a mess, /vastly/ more difficult to prove correct
Malcolm can't even spell 'integer' correctly in that code blob :-).
spelling errors. Using "even" suggests that a superficial issue hints
at deeper problems. This is rarely the case.
However, I /would/ urge Malcolm to correct the spelling if Bresenham
since the intent was clearly to credit the discoverer. Also,
misspellings don't play well with library databases.
Certainly the intent of Fir's algorithm is easily discerned fromI have some reservations about the code, but he posted a link so there
his code. I can't say that about Malcolms.
is no indication that he wants a review of it.
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