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On Mon, 18 Mar 2024 22:42:14 -0700
Tim Rentsch <> wrote:
>Tim Rentsch <> writes:>
Here is the refinement that uses a resizing rather than
fixed-size buffer.
typedef unsigned char Color;
typedef unsigned int UI;
typedef struct { UI x, y; } Point;
typedef unsigned int Index;
static _Bool change_it( UI w, UI h, Color [w][h], Point, Color,
Color );
fill_area( UI w, UI h, Color pixels[w][h], Point p0, Color old, Color
new ){ static const Point deltas[4] = { {1,0}, {0,1}, {-1,0},
{0,-1}, }; UI k = 0;
UI n = 17;
Point *todo = malloc( n * sizeof *todo );
if( todo && change_it( w, h, pixels, p0, old, new ) )
todo[k++] = p0;
while( k > 0 ){
Index j = n-k;
memmove( todo + j, todo, k * sizeof *todo );
k = 0;
while( j < n ){
Point p = todo[ j++ ];
for( Index i = 0; i < 4; i++ ){
Point q = { p.x + deltas[i].x, p.y + deltas[i].y };
if( ! change_it( w, h, pixels, q, old, new ) )
continue; todo[ k++ ] = q;
if( j-k < 3 ){
Index new_n = n+n/4;
Index new_j = new_n - (n-j);
Point *t = realloc( todo, new_n * sizeof *t );
if( !t ){ k = 0; break; }
memmove( t + new_j, t + j, (n-j) * sizeof *t );
todo = t, n = new_n, j = new_j;
free( todo );
change_it( UI w, UI h, Color pixels[w][h], Point p, Color old, Color
new ){ if( p.x >= w || p.y >= h || pixels[p.x][p.y] != old )
return 0; return pixels[p.x][p.y] = new, 1;
This variant is significantly slower than Malcolm's.
2x slower for solid rectangle, 6x slower for snake shape.
Is it the same algorithm?
Besides, I don't think that use of VLA in library code is a good idea.
VLA is optional in latest C standards. And incompatible with C++.
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