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Michael S <> writes:VMT = variabley modified type.
On Tue, 19 Mar 2024 21:40:22 -0700...
Tim Rentsch <> wrote:Michael S <> writes:...Tim Rentsch <> writes:static _Bool change_it( UI w, UI h, Color [w][h], Point, Color,
Color );A VLA is a declared object -- an array with a size that is not a>Besides, I don't think that use of VLA in library code is a good>
idea. VLA is optional in latest C standards. And incompatible with
The code uses a variably modified type, not a variable length
I am not sufficiently versed in C Standard terminology to see a
compile-time constant. A variably modified type is just a type, not an
object. Obviously one can use such a type to declare a VLA, but when it
is the type of a function parameter, there need be no declared object
with that type. Usually the associated function argument will have been
dynamically allocated.
Aren't they both introduced in C99 and made optional in laterI think so but that's a shame since VMTs are very helpful for writing
array code. They avoid the need to keep calculating the index with
Making both optional was a classic case of throwing the baby out with
the bath water. Few of the objections raised about VLAs apply to VMTs.
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