Re: simple compression mathod to code itself?

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Sujet : Re: simple compression mathod to code itself?
De : huey.dll (at) *nospam* (David LaRue)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 06. Apr 2024, 17:09:55
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <XnsB14C7BB22DDD2hueydlltampabayrrcom@>
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fir <> wrote in news:uurefe$8i04$

fir wrote:
if someone want to talk on compression adn how to code it i could like
to read it (as reading net articles on this may be seem to hard for my
old sick head and posts are much are easier to get into it)

There are several good books on search and compression methods that provide
examples of complexity and discussions about the complexity and performance. 
I have book on just algorithms that I bought years ago.  One of the first
chapters discussed the absurdaty of an OS/App requiring seperate Account and
Password entries when only one is needed.  The result is the same and takes
one less character to enter.  I found that book in a Barnes and Noble years
ago and loved reading and trying to understand the suggestions they made.  A
great place to look for such books is in a college book store; the one for
books that are used for the second year or higher students.  I've not found
much online EXCEPT for the papers and examples published by Nicholas Wirth or
by Knuth.  Knuth's publications are best if you don't mind reading for a
while and then deciding what is best to code/do.  Wirth had books on
algorithms and for specific languages.  Much easier to read for a beginner.

The Knuth discussions are well organized and usually available for free
online.  He covered an enormous variety on topics in his many books/papers. 
They have complete descriptions about why something was done and then
discusses how to improve them.  Again this is deep material but well worth
the effort once you've mastered a language or two.  C gives the ideas needed
to read and und1erstand his comments about angorithms and language design. 
Very good stuff, IMHO.


Date Sujet#  Auteur
5 Apr 24 * simple compression mathod to code itself?12fir
6 Apr 24 `* Re: simple compression mathod to code itself?11David LaRue
6 Apr 24  +* Re: simple compression mathod to code itself?2Paul
6 Apr 24  i`- Re: simple compression mathod to code itself?1fir
6 Apr 24  `* Re: simple compression mathod to code itself?8fir
6 Apr 24   +* Re: simple compression mathod to code itself?5fir
6 Apr 24   i+* Re: simple compression mathod to code itself?2bart
6 Apr 24   ii`- Re: simple compression mathod to code itself?1fir
6 Apr 24   i`* Re: simple compression mathod to code itself?2David LaRue
7 Apr 24   i `- Re: simple compression mathod to code itself?1BGB
6 Apr 24   `* Re: simple compression mathod to code itself?2David LaRue
6 Apr 24    `- Re: simple compression mathod to code itself?1fir

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