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Michael S <> writes:
On Wed, 10 Apr 2024 19:47:11 -0700
Tim Rentsch <> wrote:
Stack-based methods tend to do well on long skinny patterns and>
tend to do not as well on fatter patterns such as circles or
squares. The fractal pattern is ideal for a stack-based method.
Conversely, patterns that are mostly solid shapes don't fare as
well under stack-based methods, at least not the ones that have
been posted in this thread, and also they tend to use more memory
in those cases.
Indeed, with solid shapes it uses more memory. But at least in my
tests on my hardware with this sort of shapes it is easily faster
than anything else. The difference vs the best of the rest is
especially big at 4K images on AMD Zen3 based hardware, but even
on Intel Skylake which generally serves as equalizer between
different algorithms, the speed advantage of 2x2 stack is
I'm curious to know how your 2x2 algorithm compares to my
second (longer) stack-based algorithm when run on the Zen3.
On my test hardware they are roughly comparable, depending
on size and pattern. My curiosity includes the fatter
patterns as well as the long skinny ones.
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