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Am 04.05.2024 um 04:30 schrieb Lawrence D'Oliveiro:Think of some io completion threads going full speed. They do not actually block for hours during a period of heavy load. GQCSEX is returning shit loads of OVERLAPPED io completions and it never blocks for this heavy period in load... Then, thread sync can become a major factor... Ahhh... RCU with database lookups is able to handle HYPER read mostly loads...On Fri, 3 May 2024 09:00:30 +0200, Bonita Montero wrote:Of course if the intervals between the individual I/Os are shorter
>Am 03.05.2024 um 01:16 schrieb Lawrence D'Oliveiro:>
>On Thu, 2 May 2024 07:53:21 +0200, Bonita Montero wrote:>
>If you have a stream of individual I/Os and the processing of the I/Os>
takes more time than the time between the I/Os you need threads.
That makes the CPU the bottleneck. Which is not the case we’re
discussing here.
No, the processing beetween the I/O can mostly depend on other I/Os,
which is the standard case for server applications.
In that situation, multithreading isn’t going to speed things up.
than the processing.
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