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On 5/21/24 05:36, David Brown wrote:That was not the kind of child abuse under discussion. But if you are considering "child abuse" in more general terms, then you would be wrong - people who believe in "spare the rod and spoil the child", right up to those who support the absurdly inappropriately termed "honour killing", do so in the belief that they are doing the best for the child, and /failing/ to discipline harshly would be child abuse. angry that I lashed out", first find someone who is /not/ made angryThere are many people who object strenuously to having certain practices
by child abuse.)
labelled child abuse. In particular, they believe that children need to
be disciplined harshly to ensure that they grow up into properly moral
adults, adults who know, in particular, that it is moral to administer
such discipline when needed. I do not agree with those attitudes, bus I
think that they do qualify as "someone who is /not/ made angry by child
I know that there are organizations that promote the idea that childFrom the very little I have read of such groups, they believe children should be free to consent to sexual behaviour - in their eyes, it is not abuse if the child is consenting (and if the child is not consenting, as they see it, then it /is/ child abuse and a bad thing).
sexual abuse should be legal; I don't know if there are any that favor
child abuse in general, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were.
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