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On 21/05/24 17:48, James Kuyper wrote:But the story is apparently that the charges were DROPPED, not that he was found innocent.It also doesn't apply outside the legal system. If you actuallyIn Germany you may be required to. Implying that someone committed a crime which a court found them innocent of may be considered defamation or insult. Germany has a strict lack of free speech, and can punish you for insulting someone even if nobody else heard the insult (if they can prove it in court). Luckily, this is still dependent on the person being insulted choosing to press charges.
witnessed a crime, you're not required to pretend that the perpetrator
is innocent, and if you've witnessed something exonerating, you're not
required to accept the decision of a court that incorrectly found
someone guilty.
When making decisions that are not related to punishing
someone legally, such as whether or not you want to invite an accused
murderer to dinner, you're entitled to rely upon the preponderance of
the evidence you're aware of - you don't need to wait for the legal
system to make it's decision on the matter.
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