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"Chris M. Thomasson" <> writes:The chief enforcer has returned. I think you generated as much traffic on comp.lang.c as the person you are complaining about. Why don't you just killfile him and move on? You have no actual authority, and everyone knows that, which makes you nothing more than a Karen.On 5/20/2024 9:47 PM, immibis wrote:And there it is, the proverbial last straw.On 20/05/24 14:00, David Brown wrote:>On 20/05/2024 11:16, immibis wrote:Be aware that Peter Olcott was already convicted, sentenced, jailed,On 19/05/24 21:48, Chris M. Thomasson wrote:>>>
No shit. Sick. Puke! Wow.
If olcott loves child porn and claims to be a god, well... Is
there any hope? Puke! Gross. Sick fuck!
I am not commenting on Olcott's habits but in this exchange, you
are the troll. Please cease.
If someone has hard evidence of a crime (claiming to be "god" is
not a crime), take it to the relevant authorities
and released for possession of child pornography. His legal defense
of being God did not work. None of this was speculation by Chris,
but he is still a troll.
Well, shit. Yeah, I did troll in a sense to show my utter disgust with
people like:
You apparently can't, or won't, restrain yourself from posting
completely irrelevant content to comp.lang.c. I ask you again, for
the sake of others who have not filtered you out, to stop trolling,
but I won't see it.
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