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Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> writes:And who will use the Baby X resource compiler when we have embed?On Wed, 22 May 2024 22:23:26 -0300, Thiago Adams wrote:Presumably by waiting until compilers support it, like any new feature.I like the idea of embed ...>
We’ve discussed this before. It just seems like a sop to those stuck with
antiquated, crippled build systems. In which case, how would they get an
up-to-date compiler that supports it?
C23 hasn't even been officially published yet, and at least a naive
implementation of #embed should be fairly straightforward.
Obviously any code that depends on it will be restricted to newer
compilers, but after a while that shouldn't be much of an issue.
And it means that the semantics of including the contents of a
(possibly binary) file are represented in the source code, not in
one of a gazillion incompatible build systems.
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