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Michael S <> writes:On Wed, 22 May 2024 18:55:36 +0200
David Brown <> wrote:In an attempt to bring some topicality to the group, has anyone>
started using, or considering, C23 ? There's quite a lot of change
in it, especially compared to the minor changes in C17.
Why C Standard Committee, while being recently quite liberal in
field of introducing new keywords (too liberal for my liking, many
new things do not really deserve keywords not prefixed by __) is so
conservative in introduction of program control constructs? I don't
remember any new program control introduced under Committee regime.
And I want at least one.
Which is?
New keywords are typically prefixed by an underscore and an upper case
letter, such as C11's "_Generic". There are no (standard) keywords
starting with "__".
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