Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?

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Sujet : Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?
De : polcott333 (at) *nospam* (olcott)
Groupes : comp.lang.c++ comp.lang.c
Date : 23. May 2024, 23:11:42
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v2oeuu$1urqv$>
References : 1 2
User-Agent : Mozilla Thunderbird
On 5/23/2024 4:52 PM, Sam wrote:
olcott writes:
typedef int (*ptr)();  // ptr is pointer to int function in C
00       int H(ptr p, ptr i);
01       int D(ptr p)
02       {
03         int Halt_Status = H(p, p);
04         if (Halt_Status)
05           HERE: goto HERE;
06         return Halt_Status;
07       }
09       int main()
10       {
11         H(D,D);
12         return 0;
13       }
 Anyone who writes something like this, in my day job, will get fired before the end of the day.
 This is the worst chunk of code I've seen in at least fifteen years. It shows a complete lack of understanding of fundamental principles of C and C++.
It is the computer science of the Peter Linz halting
problem proof translated into C. This too is a template:
When Ĥ is applied to ⟨Ĥ⟩
Ĥ.q0 ⟨Ĥ⟩ ⊢* embedded_H ⟨Ĥ⟩ ⟨Ĥ⟩ ⊢* Ĥ.qy ∞
Ĥ.q0 ⟨Ĥ⟩ ⊢* embedded_H ⟨Ĥ⟩ ⟨Ĥ⟩ ⊢* Ĥ.qn
I simplified the Linz notation and this simplification
has been validated.
*I tried to avoid going off topic, but you insisted*
Can we please get back to the C or do you really want
to stay off topic?
Copyright 2024 Olcott "Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius
hits a target no one else can see." Arthur Schopenhauer

Date Sujet#  Auteur
23 May 24 * Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?81olcott
23 May 24 +* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?7Marcel Mueller
23 May 24 i+* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?5olcott
23 May 24 ii`* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?4Bonita Montero
23 May 24 ii `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?3olcott
24 May 24 ii  `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?2Chris M. Thomasson
24 May 24 ii   `- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1Sam
24 May 24 i`- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1Chris M. Thomasson
23 May 24 +* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?17Sam
24 May 24 i+* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?15olcott
24 May 24 ii`* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?14Sam
24 May 24 ii +* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?8olcott
24 May 24 ii i+- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1Chris M. Thomasson
24 May 24 ii i`* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?6Sam
24 May 24 ii i +* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?2Kenny McCormack
24 May 24 ii i i`- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1olcott
24 May 24 ii i `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?3Keith Thompson
24 May 24 ii i  `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?2olcott
25 May 24 ii i   `- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1Chris M. Thomasson
24 May 24 ii +- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1olcott
24 May 24 ii +* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?2Keith Thompson
24 May 24 ii i`- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1olcott
24 May 24 ii `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?2olcott
24 May 24 ii  `- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1Sam
24 May 24 i`- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1Chris M. Thomasson
24 May 24 +* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?8Richard Harnden
24 May 24 i`* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?7olcott
24 May 24 i +* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?2David Brown
24 May 24 i i`- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1olcott
24 May 24 i +- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1Fred. Zwarts
24 May 24 i +- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1Fred. Zwarts
25 May 24 i `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?2Mikko
25 May 24 i  `- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1olcott
24 May 24 +* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?13Fred. Zwarts
24 May 24 i`* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?12olcott
24 May 24 i +* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?4Fred. Zwarts
24 May 24 i i+- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1olcott
25 May 24 i i`* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?2Mikko
25 May 24 i i `- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1olcott
25 May 24 i `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?7Mikko
25 May 24 i  `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?6olcott
26 May 24 i   `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?5Mikko
26 May 24 i    `* D correctly simulated by pure function H cannot possibly reach its, own line 064olcott
26 May 24 i     `* Re: D correctly simulated by pure function H cannot possibly reach its, own line 063Mikko
26 May 24 i      `* Re: D correctly simulated by pure function H cannot possibly reach its, own line 062olcott
27 May 24 i       `- Re: D correctly simulated by pure function H cannot possibly reach its, own line 061Mikko
25 May 24 `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?35Fred. Zwarts
25 May 24  +* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?2olcott
26 May 24  i`- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1Fred. Zwarts
25 May 24  +* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?3Mike Terry
25 May 24  i+- D correctly simulated by pure function H cannot possibly reach its own line 061olcott
25 May 24  i`- D correctly simulated by pure function H cannot possibly reach its own line 06---TOC divergence1olcott
26 May 24  `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?29olcott
26 May 24   `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?28Fred. Zwarts
26 May 24    `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?27olcott
26 May 24     `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?26Fred. Zwarts
26 May 24      `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?25olcott
27 May 24       `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?24Fred. Zwarts
27 May 24        `* D correctly simulated by H never halts23olcott
28 May 24         `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts22Fred. Zwarts
28 May 24          `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts21olcott
28 May 24           `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts20Chris M. Thomasson
29 May 24            `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts19olcott
29 May 24             +* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts4wij
29 May 24             i`* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts3olcott
29 May 24             i `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts2Chris M. Thomasson
29 May 24             i  `- Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts1olcott
29 May 24             `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts14tTh
29 May 24              `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts13olcott
29 May 24               +* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts10Chris M. Thomasson
29 May 24               i`* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts9olcott
29 May 24               i +- Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts1olcott
29 May 24               i `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts7Chris M. Thomasson
29 May 24               i  +- Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts1olcott
29 May 24               i  `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts5olcott
29 May 24               i   +* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts2Chris M. Thomasson
29 May 24               i   i`- Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts1olcott
29 May 24               i   `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts2Chris M. Thomasson
29 May 24               i    `- Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts1Chris M. Thomasson
29 May 24               `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts2tTh
29 May 24                `- Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts1olcott

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