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On 2024-05-24, jak <nospam@please.ty> wrote:Indeed there are c++ compilers who, if used to compile c code, could decide to call the c compiler to do the work, but if something in the code is not strictly c, then the compilation will be in c++, the size of the executable will increase significantly and will need of an internal or external runtimer to work. If it were the same thing you would not get different things.Bonita Montero ha scritto:Except for observations like that we can write useful, productionAm 23.05.2024 um 21:49 schrieb Thiago Adams:>On 23/05/2024 16:25, Bonita Montero wrote:>I ask myself what the point is in further developing a languagedo you mean C++?
like this that can actually no longer be saved.
No, C.
I think you have a lot of confusion about programming languages. C and
C++ are not comparable languages.
software that compiles as C or C++, but go on ...
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