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David Brown <> writes:On 28/05/2024 02:33, Keith Thompson wrote:[...]Without some kind of programmer control, I'm concerned that the>
rules for defining an array so #embed will be correctly optimized
will be spread as lore rather than being specified anywhere.
They might, but I really do not think that is so important, since
they will not affect the generated results.
Right, it won't affect the generated results (assuming I use it
correctly). Unless I use `#embed optimize(true)` to initialize
a struct with varying member sizes, but that's my fault because I
asked for it.
The point is compile-timer performance, and perhaps even the ability
to compile at all.
I'm thinking about hypothetical cases where I want to embed a
*very* large file and parsing the comma-delimited sequence could
have unacceptable compile-time performance, perhaps even causing
a compile-time stack overflow depending on how the parser works.
Every time the compiler sees #embed, it has to decide whether to
optimize it or not, and the decision criteria are not specified
anywhere (not at all in the standard, perhaps not clearly in the
compiler's documentation).
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