Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts

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Sujet : Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts
De : polcott333 (at) *nospam* (olcott)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 29. May 2024, 02:50:29
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v361l5$v7bg$>
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On 5/28/2024 8:36 PM, Chris M. Thomasson wrote:
On 5/28/2024 4:12 PM, olcott wrote:
On 5/28/2024 5:24 PM, wij wrote:
On Tue, 2024-05-28 at 17:12 -0500, olcott wrote:
On 5/28/2024 3:11 PM, Chris M. Thomasson wrote:
On 5/28/2024 7:11 AM, olcott wrote:
H is a pure simulator or a pure function.
Can you show us a little pseudo code for H?
Just assume that H is an x86 emulator that emulates
its input function with the input to this function.
Obvious it is not. You are hiding your lies and expect people lies the same!!!
I can't possibly be lying about a hypothetical example.
What if squares were round? cannot possibly be a lie.
 Did you code up H?
Yes it has been fully operational for a couple of years.
I am not an never have been talking about that H in this post.
It is really not that hard to understand that H(D,D) simulates
the x86 machine code of D with an x86 emulator for finite number
of steps. I have taken all of these "struggles" as mere head games.
Copyright 2024 Olcott "Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius
hits a target no one else can see." Arthur Schopenhauer

Date Sujet#  Auteur
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23 May 24 i+* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?5olcott
23 May 24 ii`* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?4Bonita Montero
23 May 24 ii `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?3olcott
24 May 24 ii  `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?2Chris M. Thomasson
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24 May 24 i`- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1Chris M. Thomasson
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24 May 24 ii +* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?8olcott
24 May 24 ii i+- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1Chris M. Thomasson
24 May 24 ii i`* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?6Sam
24 May 24 ii i +* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?2Kenny McCormack
24 May 24 ii i i`- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1olcott
24 May 24 ii i `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?3Keith Thompson
24 May 24 ii i  `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?2olcott
25 May 24 ii i   `- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1Chris M. Thomasson
24 May 24 ii +- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1olcott
24 May 24 ii +* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?2Keith Thompson
24 May 24 ii i`- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1olcott
24 May 24 ii `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?2olcott
24 May 24 ii  `- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1Sam
24 May 24 i`- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1Chris M. Thomasson
24 May 24 +* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?8Richard Harnden
24 May 24 i`* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?7olcott
24 May 24 i +* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?2David Brown
24 May 24 i i`- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1olcott
24 May 24 i +- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1Fred. Zwarts
24 May 24 i +- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1Fred. Zwarts
25 May 24 i `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?2Mikko
25 May 24 i  `- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1olcott
24 May 24 +* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?13Fred. Zwarts
24 May 24 i`* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?12olcott
24 May 24 i +* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?4Fred. Zwarts
24 May 24 i i+- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1olcott
25 May 24 i i`* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?2Mikko
25 May 24 i i `- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1olcott
25 May 24 i `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?7Mikko
25 May 24 i  `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?6olcott
26 May 24 i   `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?5Mikko
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26 May 24 i     `* Re: D correctly simulated by pure function H cannot possibly reach its, own line 063Mikko
26 May 24 i      `* Re: D correctly simulated by pure function H cannot possibly reach its, own line 062olcott
27 May 24 i       `- Re: D correctly simulated by pure function H cannot possibly reach its, own line 061Mikko
25 May 24 `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?35Fred. Zwarts
25 May 24  +* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?2olcott
26 May 24  i`- Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?1Fred. Zwarts
25 May 24  +* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?3Mike Terry
25 May 24  i+- D correctly simulated by pure function H cannot possibly reach its own line 061olcott
25 May 24  i`- D correctly simulated by pure function H cannot possibly reach its own line 06---TOC divergence1olcott
26 May 24  `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?29olcott
26 May 24   `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?28Fred. Zwarts
26 May 24    `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?27olcott
26 May 24     `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?26Fred. Zwarts
26 May 24      `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?25olcott
27 May 24       `* Re: Can you see that D correctly simulated by H remains stuck in recursive simulation?24Fred. Zwarts
27 May 24        `* D correctly simulated by H never halts23olcott
28 May 24         `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts22Fred. Zwarts
28 May 24          `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts21olcott
28 May 24           `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts20Chris M. Thomasson
28 May 24            `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts19olcott
28 May 24             +* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts4wij
29 May 24             i`* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts3olcott
29 May 24             i `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts2Chris M. Thomasson
29 May 24             i  `- Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts1olcott
29 May 24             `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts14tTh
29 May 24              `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts13olcott
29 May 24               +* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts10Chris M. Thomasson
29 May 24               i`* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts9olcott
29 May 24               i +- Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts1olcott
29 May 24               i `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts7Chris M. Thomasson
29 May 24               i  +- Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts1olcott
29 May 24               i  `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts5olcott
29 May 24               i   +* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts2Chris M. Thomasson
29 May 24               i   i`- Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts1olcott
29 May 24               i   `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts2Chris M. Thomasson
29 May 24               i    `- Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts1Chris M. Thomasson
29 May 24               `* Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts2tTh
29 May 24                `- Re: D correctly simulated by H never halts1olcott

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