This proof is quite direct and may be too easy to many. But proof is proof
The good thing is that this proof suggests a general method for problem complexity,
easy to (false) verify by reviewers. Any comments?
This file is intended a proof that ℙ≠ℕℙ. The contents may be updated anytime. proof suggests a general algorithm for problem complexity, easy to false
prove. With lots of algorithmic problems out there, I only know a few of them,
thus, cannot effectively verify the proof. And, the details of this proof are
many and basic, concise description should be sufficient.
Algorithmic problem::= Problems that can be processed by asymptotic analysis.
ANP::= Another NP is a set defined as {q| q is a description of the algorithmic
decision problem that provides 1. A set of certificate data C 2. A Ptime
(Polynomial time) verification method v 3. The answer of q is 'yes' iff
there exists a certificate c, c∈C, such that v(c) is true 4. q can be
computed within O(2^|q|) steps. }.
More precisely, ANP is the set of problems that can be solved by the
following pseudo-C/C++ program temp_anp(n):
bool temp_anp(Problem q) { // Problem: Description of the problem
Certificate c,begin,end; // Certificate data can be accessed by
begin= get_begin_certificate(q); // iteration, at least.
end = get_end_certificate(q);
for(c=begin; c!=end; c=next(c)) { // O(2^|n|) loop (see Note2)
if(v(c)) return true; // v:Certificate->{true,false}, Ptime
// verification function.
return false;
Note1: Relative to the Turing Machine language for ℕℙ, the reason using
pseudo-C/C++ is that 1.C-code (almost all high level programming
language not involving special hardware features) and TM language are
computationally interchangable. 2.It describes the problem more clearly
(but not always) 3.The result 'false' is visible 4. ℕℙ definition does
not say the certificate C and the verication v are given, fixed
arguments. In ANP, v(c) is explicitly spedified a Ptime function
5.Easier for machine aided verification.
Note2: The semantics of the for loop in temp_anp(n) includes nested loops for
sets like C=C1×C2×C3×...
Theorem: Sequential execution of O(P) number of Ptime functions is equivalent to
the execution of one single Ptime function.
Lemma1: If ANP=ℙ, then there exists a Ptime recursive algorithm (which normally
contains only one recursive call) equivalent to temp_anp(..).
Proof: The number of certificate data to infer in temp_anp(..) is O(2^|q|).
If ANP=ℙ, then there exists an Ptime algorithm which only need to
actually executes O(P) number of verification v(c) and performs the
equivalent function of what the O(2^|q|) loop does. IOW, each execution
of the v(c) can in average reduce O(2^N) uncertainties....This is
equivalent to say that one Ptime computation can reduce the problem size
(normally by 1). Then, what the smaller size problem left can be solved
by a recursive call.
Lemma2: Assuming an ANP problem q is analysized by a recursive method and a
recursive call for solving the subproblem of size |q|-1 has completed.
If the workload of what is left is equivalent to solving a subproblem of
size |q|-1, then, problem q can only be solved in O(2^N) steps, i.e..
Proof: Let W(|q|-1) denote the workload of a subproblem of q with the size is
less by 1. If the workload of what is left (i.e. W(|q|)-W(|q|-1),
denoted as W(|R|)) is still equivalent to W(|q|-1), then, the workload
of problem q is determined as O(2^|q-1|)+O(2^|q-1|)= O(2^|q|)
regardless of 'possibly other algorithm', because 'their' workloads are
described/defined as W(|q|-1).
If the workload of what is left (i.e. W|R|) is not equivalent to
W(|q|-1), then W(|R|) must be less than O(2^N) (otherwise, it msut be
solvable as a subproblem as described). Therefore, the workload of
problem q is W(|q|)= W(|q-1|)+W(|R|) = |q|*W(|R|), a value less than
Take Subset Sum as example:
bool subset_sum(const UInt* set, UInt n_elem, UInt sum) {
if(sum==0) return true;
if(n_elem==0) return false;
if(set[n_elem-1]>sum) {
return subset_sum(set,n_elem-1,sum);
return subset_sum(set,n_elem-1,sum) || // Subproblem that does not
// contain the last element.
subset_sum(set,n_elem-1,sum- set[n_elem-1]);
Assuming a subproblem case (size is less by 1) of the above subset_sum
is completed, the left task is equivalent to solving another subproblem
of size less by 1. Therefore, Subset Sum∉ℙ.
Several ℕℙℂ instances that are easy to test by Lemma2, e.g. TSP,... can also be
easily deduced only solvable in O(2^N) steps, i.e. ℕℙℂ≠ℙ. Thus, we can conclude