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On Fri, 31 May 2024 09:24:48 +0200I'm sure I could imagine such a format, but I suppose it is quite unlikely!
David Brown <> wrote:
On 30/05/2024 16:48, bart wrote:That's quite strange question.On 30/05/2024 15:08, Michael S wrote:>
Replace elf32-little with relevant format for your software.>
However I am not sure that it would work for none-elf output
There appears to be an objcopy utility that runs under Windows.
objcopy can handle lots of formats, as source or target, and can run
on any general OS host. So the question is not if you can get
objcopy that runs on Windows, it is whether you can use this kind of
blob-to-object-file conversion with the output in the Windows object
file format in the same was as you can for elf formats.
You mean, you are able to imagine object file format uncapable to
represent initialized data array?
OK, a bug in a particular version or build of objcopy sounds a lot more likely than a perversely restricted object code format.You knowobjcopy supplied with msys2 appear to have bug in -O selection handling,
vastly more about the Windows object file formats than I do, so maybe
you can answer this yourself.
but fortunately there exists an easy workaround. Read my post below if
you are interested.
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