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On 08/06/2024 09:21, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:Well, on windows you can just run notepad? ;^DOn Sat, 8 Jun 2024 01:40:48 -0400, James Kuyper wrote:As a developer, Linux is great. Its so much easier to work with than Winfows. Just little things. You ca. tun a text editor from the commandline, write a little scratch program, and compile with gcc and test it. With Windows you are fiddling about with an IDE, then you've got to coax it into compiling "hello world" by turning deprecation off. printf insecure ie something.
>On 6/7/24 19:59, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:>
>On Fri, 7 Jun 2024 09:32:26 -0400, James Kuyper wrote:>
>... POSIX is not the be-all and end-all of operating systems.>
You’re right. It’s not. Linux is.
... even I'm not foolish enough to make such a claim for Linux.
I wouldn’t have been either, say, 20 years ago. But it’s now become quite
clear that it dominates everywhere except the desktop. And if you think of
fully-featured “workstation” OSes instead of cut-down “desktop” OSes, then
Linux dominates there, too.
But it's just no good for consumer software. Ganes are no fun without sound. But it took about an afternoon to add fantastic audio to Baby X Windows, which inclues an MPEG codec, I just couldn't work out gow to do it on Linux in any way that wouln't break.
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