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On 2024-06-08, Malcolm McLean <> wrote:I don't have a clue. In the Baby X shell, you know you are in the shell because you have the BBX$ prompt intead of your regular prompt. But typing "system ..." will effectively be the same as typing "..." at the prompt when you are out of the BBX$ shell. Except that anything will be spawned by a child process instead of your own shell directly. Now if that is a problem for the host operating system, Baby X just can't accept responsibility. But you might be able to type somthing which will destabilise the OS whilst at the BBX$ prompt and typing "system bad" instead of "bad" at your regular prompt, which would be unfortunate.On 08/06/2024 01:32, Kaz Kylheku wrote:User wants to run their program in the background, and so usingBug I take it that by shell you mean something which is primarily aIt calls system so that real users can use it for real.
command interpreter for driving an operating system, not an adventure
game engine, or sophsticated programming language run-time.
their knowledge of the host's actual shell, does this:
> system ./simulation --duration 1h &
Now what?
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