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On Thu, 13 Jun 2024 11:13:04 -0400, DFS wrote:
On 6/13/2024 3:25 AM, Ike Naar wrote:On 2024-06-12, DFS <> wrote:
[1] How does the above statement evaluate when (min == low) and (max == hi)?>//no outliers>
if ( min > lo && max < hi) {
The condition for 'no outliers' is not the complement of
the condition for 'at least one outlier' below.
You're saying some outliers will not be flagged?
[2] How does the above statement evaluate when (min == low) and (max == hi)?//at least one outlier
if ( min < lo || max > hi) {
[3] Given the answers to questions 1 and 2, are there any values that
satisfy /both/ the "no outliers" and "at least one outlier" conditions?
Are there any values that satisfy /neither/ conditions?
[snip]It does help. The original code won't miss any outliers, but it also won't notify you there were none in the exceedingly rare case that the bounds of the dataset exactly match the bounds of the outlier rule.
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