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Keith Thompson <> writes:If CHAR_BIT==8, each byte is represented by two hex digits. More>
generally, each byte is represented by (CHAR_BIT+3)/4 hex digits in
the absence of whitespace. Added whitespace marks the end of a byte,
0x"deadbeef" is 1, 2, 3, or 4 bytes if CHAR_BIT is 32, 16, 12, or 8
respectively, but 0x"de ad be ef" is 4 bytes regardless of CHAR_BIT.
0x"" is a syntax error, since C doesn't support zero-length arrays.
Anything between the quotes other than hex digits and spaces is a
syntax error.
Would "0x1 23 45 67" be a syntax error or { 0x1, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67 }?
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