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On 6/22/24 3:17 PM, Chris M. Thomasson wrote:Remember back when using threads in standard C was, technically, a no-no, unless you went to POSIX, or windows threads, ect...? Heck, back then, before C recognized threads, atomics and membars, I had to code my critical sequences that implemented certain lock-free and wait-free algorihtms in ASM:On 6/22/2024 10:58 AM, Bonita Montero wrote:Doesn't need to be Non-Conforming to define the behavior of Undefined Behavior!Am 22.06.2024 um 18:36 schrieb olcott:>
>It seems pretty stupid to allow gaps in the semantics of C++ programs. Simply specify that the order of evaluation is left to right unless:>
(a) Otherwise specified such as operator precedence rules.
(b) Derives the same result as left to right ordering.
Most UB is there to allow optimizations, also in this case.
I've got no problem with that.
Humm. Sounds reasonable. UB is there to be defined by a non-conforming compiler? ;^)
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