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On 04/07/2024 12:12, Bonita Montero wrote:With a inline-function that returns an auto to make the inner typeAm 02.07.2024 um 18:53 schrieb Ivan Farlenkov:How do you do it in C++?>I am a fan of being able to name parameters in languages that allow it. I am quite confident that this will never come to C. It /might/ make it into C++, but as people have been writing proposals to do so for 20 years at least, I am not holding my breath.You can sort of already do it in C by using designated initializers and macros
#define foo(A, B, C, ...) do{\
stuct technical technical={\
var3=default3 __VA_OPT__(,)\
actual_foo(A, B, C, technical.var1, technical.var2, technical.var3)\
What an anquated language that this needs macros.
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