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On Thu, 11 Jul 2024 08:41:14 -0000 (UTC)...
Kaz Kylheku <> wrote:
First class functions could do something like this:>
// multiplier takes a coefficient and returns a pointer to
// function
int (*multiplier(int coefficient))(int) {
// fantasy lambda syntax. Return type int is written after
// parameter list.
return lambda(int x) int {
return coefficient * x;
int (*doubler)(int) = multiplier(2);
int x = doubler(42); // x becomes 84
Even though the lambda is returned out of multiplier, whose execution
terminates, when the returned function is invoked, it can refer to the
coefficient, which is captured in a lexical closure.
With a C-like typedef, we can declutter the definition of mutiplier:
typedef int (*int_int_fn)(int);
int_int_fn multiplier(int coefficient) {
return lambda(int x) int {
return coefficient * x;
Thank you.
Your example confirms my suspicion that the difference between first
and second class of functions doesn't become material until language
supports closures.
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