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On 21/08/2024 12:17, Thiago Adams wrote:Compile time. f is not visible outside.On 21/08/2024 01:42, Blue-Maned_Hawk wrote:Run-time or compile-time error?Thiago Adams wrote:>
>initializer inside if is already in C++, and it will probably be on C2Y.If it's for consistency with how for loops permit declarations, i would
_much_ prefer that they just outlaw that to induce consistency.
(Really, i'd ideally want things to just stay as they are, since
declarations in for loops are simply too useful for macros.)
I like the ability to declare things inside if.
if (FILE* f = fopen("file.txt", "r"))
Because it makes the scope of f, associated with the pointed object lifetime.
For instance, if you try to use f
if (FILE* f = fopen("file.txt", "r"))
fwrite(f, ..) ;// ERROR
It won't be a compile-time error if there is another 'f' visible in that outer scope.For this type of error you need my static analyzer. (cake) :D
And it won't be one here either:
if (FILE* f = fopen("file.txt", "r"))
fwrite(f, ..) ;// ERROR
Meanwhile, I'd have a serious problem with the extra clutter this causes. Since you are not reporting an fopen failure, I'd write this as:It is something optional to use.
FILE* f;
f = fopen("file.txt", "r");
if (f) {
// ...
However I'd be more likely check for failure first.
Since I did a recent survery where, on a average, functions only had 3 local variables (in a selection of apps), I've been even more sceptical of block-scoped variables.
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