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Am 27.08.2024 um 14:51 schrieb David Brown:Again, you are wrong to generalize. It depends on the situation, the abstraction in question, and the code.
90% of statistics are plucked from the air, including that one.With C++ this fits. Most abstractions don't have an additional overhead
over a manual implementation.
And you were completely wrong when you said that. Perhaps in /your/ field of programming you are correct - but you are ignoring the rest of the world.As I said, you have no idea what you are talking about in the context of low-level programming.I told you why it isn't practicable to suppress exceptions in C++
since the runtime uses a lot of exceptions.
Often that is correct. Often it is /not/ correct. The only thing we can all be sure of is that your laughable attempt at a benchmark here bears no relation to the real world - especially not the real world of small-systems programming.Again, you demonstrate your total ignorance of the topic.Most of the time a nanosecond more doesn't count, especiailly because
usually you do more complex things in a virtual function.
For every one of your favourite big x86 chips sold, there will be a hundred small microcontrollers - none of which has branch prediction.The vast majority of processors produced and sold do not have any kind of branch prediction.Not today.
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