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Tim Rentsch <> writes:
>Keith Thompson <> writes:>
>Tim Rentsch <> writes:>
>Have you tried looking at other uses of the word "may" in the C>
standard to see if that sheds some light on the question?
If you have any actual insight to offer, feel free to do so.
Is there some reason you mind my asking a civil question?
In my view there is no question about the intent here. If
I'm going to try to help you resolve your uncertainty, it
would be helpful to have a better understanding of your
reasoning process. That's why I asked the question.
I got the impression that you were providing vague hints and
deliberately hiding information. As you know, several other people
here have gotten the same impression in similar circumstances.
Perhaps that wasn't your intent, but in my opinion it would be to
your benefit to be more aware of how you come across.
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