Re: program to remove duplicates
Sujet : Re: program to remove duplicates
De : fir (at) *nospam* (fir)
Groupes : comp.lang.cDate : 21. Sep 2024, 22:13:50
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ok i wrote this duplicates remover but i dont know if it has no errors etc
heres the code you may comment if you some errors, alternatives or improvements (note i wrote it among the time i posted on it and that moment here so its kinda speedy draft (i reused old routines for loading files etc)
void StrCopyMaxNBytes(char* dest, char* src, int n)
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { dest[i]=src[i]; if(!src[i]) break; }
//list of file names
const int FileNameListEntry_name_max = 500;
struct FileNameListEntry { char name[FileNameListEntry_name_max]; unsigned int file_size; };
FileNameListEntry* FileNameList = NULL;
int FileNameList_Size = 0;
void FileNameList_AddOne(char* name, unsigned int file_size)
FileNameList = (FileNameListEntry*) realloc(FileNameList, FileNameList_Size * sizeof(FileNameListEntry) );
StrCopyMaxNBytes((char*)&FileNameList[FileNameList_Size-1].name, name, FileNameListEntry_name_max);
FileNameList[FileNameList_Size-1].file_size = file_size;
return ;
// collect list of filenames
void ReadDIrectoryFileNamesToList(char* dir)
HANDLE h = FindFirstFile(dir, &ffd);
if(!h) { printf("error reading directory"); exit(-1);}
do {
if (!(ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
FileNameList_AddOne(ffd.cFileName, ffd.nFileSizeLow);
if(ffd.nFileSizeHigh!=0) { printf("this program only work for files up to 4GB"); exit(-1);}
while (FindNextFile(h, &ffd));
#include <sys/stat.h>
int GetFileSize2(char *filename)
struct stat st;
if (stat(filename, &st)==0) return (int) st.st_size;
printf("error obtaining file size for %s", filename); exit(-1);
return -1;
int FolderExist(char *name)
static struct stat st;
if(stat(name, &st) == 0 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) return 1;
return 0;
unsigned char* bytes2 = NULL;
int bytes2_size = 0;
int bytes2_allocked = 0;
unsigned char* bytes2_resize(int size)
if((bytes2_size+100)*2<bytes2_allocked | bytes2_size>bytes2_allocked)
return bytes2=(unsigned char*)realloc(bytes2, (bytes2_allocked=(bytes2_size+100)*2)*sizeof(unsigned char));
void bytes2_load(unsigned char* name)
int flen = GetFileSize2(name);
FILE *f = fopen(name, "rb");
if(!f) { printf( "errot: cannot open file %s for load ", name); exit(-1); }
int loaded = fread(bytes2_resize(flen), 1, flen, f);
unsigned char* bytes1 = NULL;
int bytes1_size = 0;
int bytes1_allocked = 0;
unsigned char* bytes1_resize(int size)
if((bytes1_size+100)*2<bytes1_allocked | bytes1_size>bytes1_allocked)
return bytes1=(unsigned char*)realloc(bytes1, (bytes1_allocked=(bytes1_size+100)*2)*sizeof(unsigned char));
void bytes1_load(unsigned char* name)
int flen = GetFileSize2(name);
FILE *f = fopen(name, "rb");
if(!f) { printf( "errot: cannot open file %s for load ", name); exit(-1); }
int loaded = fread(bytes1_resize(flen), 1, flen, f);
int CompareTwoFilesByContentsAndSayIfEqual(char* file_a, char* file_b)
if(bytes1_size!=bytes2_size) { printf("\n something is wrong compared files assumed to be be same size"); exit(-1); }
for(unsigned int i=0; i<=bytes1_size;i++)
if(bytes1[i]!=bytes2[i]) return 0;
return 1;
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
int duplicates_moved = 0;
void MoveDuplicateToSubdirectory(char*name)
int n = _mkdir("duplicates");
if(n) { printf ("\n i cannot create subfolder"); exit(-1); }
static char renamed[1000];
int n = snprintf(renamed, sizeof(renamed), "duplicates\%s", name);
if(rename(name, renamed))
{printf("\n rename %s %s failed", name, renamed); exit(-1);}
int main()
printf("\n ");
printf("\n this program searches for binaric (comparec byute to byte)");
printf("\n duplicates/multiplicates of files in its own");
printf("\n folder (no search in subdirectories, just flat)");
printf("\n and if found it copies it into 'duplicates'");
printf("\n subfolder it creates If you want to remove that");
printf("\n duplicates you may delete the subfolder then,");
printf("\n if you decided to not remove just move the contents");
printf("\n of 'duplicates' subfolder back");
printf("\n ");
printf("\n note this program not work on files larger than 4GB ");
printf("\n and no warranty at all youre responsible for any dameges ");
printf("\n if use of this program would eventually do - i just wrote ");
printf("\n the code and it work for me but not tested it to much besides");
printf("\n ");
printf("\n september 2024");
printf("\n ");
printf("\n starting.. ");
// for(int i=0; i< FileNameList_Size; i++)
// printf("\n %d %s %d", i, FileNameList[i].name, FileNameList[i].file_size );
for(int i=0; i< FileNameList_Size; i++)
for(int j=i+1; j< FileNameList_Size; j++)
if(FileNameList[i].file_size!=FileNameList[j].file_size) continue;
if( CompareTwoFilesByContentsAndSayIfEqual(FileNameList[i].name, FileNameList[j].name))
// printf("\nduplicate found (%s) ", FileNameList[j].name);
printf(" \n\n %d duplicates moved \n\n\n", duplicates_moved);
return 'ok';
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