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On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 21:53:06 -0700
Tim Rentsch <> wrote:
Michael S <> writes:
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 05:02:05 -0700
Tim Rentsch <> wrote:
Andrey Tarasevich <> writes:
And don't use "Egyptian" braces [the style used in the
first edition of The C Programming Language, by Kernighan
and Ritchie].
This is the proper formatting style with braces
if (failed)
The vertical spacing introduced by the `{` line provides
separation between condition and the branch, which makes
your code much more readable. [...]
What qualities does this layout style have that make it "more
readable", other than it being one that you like or prefer?
{ at the same level of indentation as its matching }
Certainly it is true that the layout style shown has the open
brace at the same level of indentation as the matching close
brace. What about that property makes this layout "more
readable"? The statement given sounds like a tautology -
I don't see that any new information has been added.
It makes it easier to see where block starts and where it ends. Opening
{ followed by empty line is more bold visually than 'if something { ' or
then '} else {'.
Now, I can live with both styles, but can see why many people prefer
style advocated by Andrey.
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