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On 01/11/2024 18:47, David Brown wrote:Yes, it is.On 01/11/2024 19:05, Bart wrote:On 01/11/2024 17:35, David Brown wrote:I don't think it's just opinion.>>>
What you have written here is all correct, but a more common method would be to avoid having three printf's :
void shout_a_number(int n) {
printf( (const char* []) { "ONE", "TWO", "THREE" } [n] );
That's more likely to match what people would want.
I was also trying to show that all elements are evaluated, so each has to have some side-effect to illustrate that.
Fair enough.
A true N-way-select construct (C only really has ?:) would evaluate only one, and would deal with an out-of-range condition.
That's a matter of opinion and design choice, rather than being requirements for a "true" select construct.
In general, an if-else-if chain (which was the point of the OP), would evaluate only one branch.It evaluates all the conditionals down the chain until it hits a "true" result, then evaluates the body of the "if" that matches, then skips the rest.
So would a switch-case construct if sensibly implemented (in C's version, anything goes).C's switch is perfectly simply and clearly defined. It is not "anything goes". The argument to the switch is evaluated once, then control jumps to the label of the switch case, then evaluation continues from that point. It is totally straight-forward.
The same applies to C's c?a:b operator: only one of a or b is evaluated, not both.You are conflating several ideas, then you wrote something that you /know/ is pure FUD about C's switch statements. So writing "The same applies" makes no sense.
(This also why implementing if, switch, ?: via functions, which lots are keen to do in the reddit PL forum, requires closures, lazy evaluation or other advanced features.)Yes, you'd need something like that to implement such "short-circuit" operators using functions in C. In other languages, things may be different.
Your language, your choice. I'd question the whole idea of having a construct that can evaluate to something of different types in the first place, whether or not it returns a value, but that's your choice.You are free to choose the rules you want for your own language, but you are not free to dictate what you think the rules should be for others. (You are welcome to /opinions/, of course.)All such multiway constructs in my languages (there are 4, one of which the job of both 'if' and C's ?:) have an optional else branch. A missing 'else' has an notional 'void' type.
(In my implementations, a default/else branch value must be provided if the whole thing is expected to return a value.)
OK, if that's what you want. My preference, if I were putting together what /I/ thought was an idea language for /my/ use, would be heavy use of explicit specifications and contracts for code, so that a default/else branch is either disallowed (if there the selection covers all legal values) or required (if the selection is abbreviated). A default value "just in case" is, IMHO, worse than useless.
But it becomes mandatory if the whole thing returns a value, to satisfy the type system, because otherwise it will try and match with 'void'.
SOMETHING needs to happen when none of the branches are executed; what value would be returned then? The behaviour needs to be defined. You don't want to rely on compiler analysis for this stuff.In my hypothetical language described above, it never happens that none of the branches are executed.
In C on the other hand, the ':' of '?:' is always needed, even when it is not expected to yield a value. Hence you often see this things like this:Given that the tertiary operator chooses between two things, it seems fairly obvious that you need two alternatives to choose from - having a choice operator without at least two choices would be rather useless.
p == NULL ? puts("error"): 0;
Here, gcc at least, also requires the types of the two branches to match, even though the whole construct yields no common value.The C standards require a certain level of type matching here - it is not gcc specific. (The exact requirements are in 6.5.15p3 of the C standards - I am sure you read these when you implemented your own C compiler.) And yes, the whole construct /does/ yield a value of a common type. It is not the language's fault if some hypothetical programmer writes something in an odd manner.
Meanwhile I allow this (if I was keen on a compact form):In C you could write :
(p = nil | print "error")
No else is needed.
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