Sujet : Re: else ladders practice
De : 643-408-1753 (at) *nospam* (Kaz Kylheku)
Groupes : comp.lang.cDate : 06. Nov 2024, 08:26:25
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On 2024-11-05, Bart <> wrote:
On 05/11/2024 20:33, David Brown wrote:
On 05/11/2024 20:39, Waldek Hebisch wrote:
David Brown <> wrote:
On 05/11/2024 13:42, Waldek Hebisch wrote:
Bart <> wrote:
Then we disagree on what 'multi-way' select might mean. I think it
branching, even if notionally, on one-of-N possible code paths.
I appreciate this is what Bart means by that phrase, but I don't agree
with it. I'm not sure if that is covered by "OK" or not!
You may prefer your own definition, but Bart's is resonable one.
The only argument I can make here is that I have not seen "multi-way
select" as a defined phrase with a particular established meaning.
Well, it started off as 2-way select, meaning constructs like this:
x = c ? a : b;
x := (c | a | b)
Where one of two branches is evaluated. I extended the latter to N-way
x := (n | a, b, c, ... | z)
This looks quite error-prone. You have to count carefully that
the cases match the intended values. If an entry is
inserted, all the remaining ones shift to a higher value.
You've basically taken a case construct and auto-generated
the labels starting from 1.
If that was someone's Lisp macro, I would prefer they confine
it to their own program. :)
1> (defmacro nsel (expr . clauses)
^(caseql ,expr ,*[mapcar list 1 clauses]))
2> (nsel 1 (prinl "one") (prinl "two") (prinl "three"))
3> (nsel (+ 1 1) (prinl "one") (prinl "two") (prinl "three"))
4> (nsel (+ 1 3) (prinl "one") (prinl "two") (prinl "three"))
5> (nsel (+ 1 2) (prinl "one") (prinl "two") (prinl "three"))
6> (macroexpand-1 '(nsel x a b c d))
(caseql x (1 a)
(2 b) (3 c)
(4 d))
Yawn ...
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