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On 05/11/2024 20:33, David Brown wrote:I appreciate that this is what you have in your language as a "multi-way select". I can see it being a potentially useful construct (though personally I don't like the syntax at all).On 05/11/2024 20:39, Waldek Hebisch wrote:Well, it started off as 2-way select, meaning constructs like this:David Brown <> wrote:>On 05/11/2024 13:42, Waldek Hebisch wrote:>Bart <> wrote:>>>
Then we disagree on what 'multi-way' select might mean. I think it means
branching, even if notionally, on one-of-N possible code paths.
I appreciate this is what Bart means by that phrase, but I don't agree
with it. I'm not sure if that is covered by "OK" or not!
You may prefer your own definition, but Bart's is resonable one.
The only argument I can make here is that I have not seen "multi-way select" as a defined phrase with a particular established meaning.
x = c ? a : b;
x := (c | a | b)
Where one of two branches is evaluated. I extended the latter to N-way select:
x := (n | a, b, c, ... | z)
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