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Bart <> wrote:
It is related: both gcc anf LLVM are doing analyses that in theHow long would LLVM take to compile itself on one core? (Here I'm not even sure what LLVM is; it you download the binary, it's about 2.5GB, but a typical LLVM compiler might 100+ MB. But I guess it will be while in either case.)
past were deemed inpracticaly expensive (both in time and in space).
Those analyses work now thanks to smart algorithms that
significantly reduced resource usage. I know that you consider
this too expensive.
It's less than the time to press and release the Enter key.What's the context of this 0.1 seconds? Do you consider it long or short?Context is interactive response. It means "pretty fast for interactive
I *AM* doing more in that time! It just happens to be stuff you appear to have no interest in:My tools can generally build my apps from scratch in 0.1 seconds; bigThis 0.1s is old thing. My point is that if you are compiling simple
compilers tend to take a lot longer. Only Tiny C is in that ballpark.
So I'm failing to see your point here. Maybe you picked up that 0.1
seconds from an earlier post of mine and are suggesting I ought to be
able to do a lot more analysis within that time?
change, than you should be able to do more in this time. In normal
developement source file bigger than 10000 lines are relatively
rare, so once you get in range of 50000-100000 lines per second
making compiler faster is of marginal utility.
We clearly differ in question of what is routine. Creating usableI take it then that you have some other way of doing test runs of a program without creating an executable?
executable is rare task, once executable is created it can be used
for long time. OTOH developement is routine and for this one wants
to know if a change is correct.
Already simple thing would be an improvement: make compiler aware ofOK, but what does that buy me? Saving a few bytes for a return instruction in a function? My largest program, which is 0.4MB, already only occupies 0.005% of the machines 8GB.
error routine (if you do not have it add one) so that when you
signal error compiler will know that there is no need for normal
return value.
We must be talking at cross-purposes then.Which is not going to be part of a routine build.In a sense build is not routine. Build is done for two purposes:
- to install working system from sources, that includes
- to check that build works properly after changes, this also
should check documentaion build.
Normal developement goes without rebuilding the system.
I know. But this is not what I do. Build produces mutipleSo, 'build' means something different to you. I use 'build' just as a change from writing 'compile'.
artifacts, some of them executable, some are loadable code (but _not_
in form recogized by operating system), some essentially non-executable
(like documentation).
My last big app used a compiled core but most user-facing functionality was done using an add-on script language. This meant I could develop such modules from within a working application, which provided a rich, persistent environment.This sounds like a REPL system. There, each line is a new part of theFirst, I am writing about two different systems. Both have REPL.
program which is processed, executed and discarded.
Lines typed at REPL are "discarded", but their effect may last
long time.
I used module-at-time compilation until 10-12 years ago. The module scheme had to be upgraded at the same time, but it took several goes to get it right.What happens if you change the type of a global; are you saying thatIn typed system there are no global "library" variables, all data
none of the program codes needs revising?
is encapsulated in modules and normally accessed in abstract way,
by calling apropriate functions. So, in "clean" code you
can recompile a single module and the whole system works.
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