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Bart <> wrote:
Do you have a link? Probably I won't attempt to build but I can see what it looks like.BTW I didn't remark on the range of your (WH's) figures. They spanned 40As I wrote, there are 2 different system, if interesed you can fetch
minutes for a build to instant, but it's not clear for which languages
they are, which tools are used and which machines. Or how much work they
have to do to get those faster times, or what work they don't do: I'm
guessing it's not processing 0.5M lines for that fastest time.
them from github.
I do not think I will use your system language. And for C compilerIt's funny how nobody seems to care about the speed of compilers (which can vary by 100:1), but for the generated programs, the 2:1 speedup you might get by optimising it is vital!
at least currently it does not make big difference to me if your
compiler can do 1Mloc or 5Mloc on my machine, both are "pretty fast".
What matters more is support of debugging output, supporting
targets that I need (like ARM or Risc-V), good diagnostics
and optimization.
I recently installed TinyC on small Risc-VOnly 20,000KB? My first compilers worked on 64KB systems, not all of which was available either.
machine, I think that available memory (64MB all, about 20MB available
to user programs) is too small to run gcc or clang.
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