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Bart <> writes:That's my point.On 25/11/2024 21:29, Scott Lurndal wrote:That appears to be your opinion. It is not shared by myselfBart <> writes:>On 25/11/2024 18:49, Tim Rentsch wrote:>>>
I'm trying to think of some computationally intensive app that would run
non-stop for several hours without interaction.
I can think of several - HDL simulators (vcs, et al), system simulators
like Simh, Qemu, Synopsys Virutalizer, SIMICS, most HPC codes (e.g. fluid dynamics)
Machine Learning training, et alia.
OK, good.
So the only preparation you have to do to get those running at maximum
speed is just to use -O3 on your compilers instead of -O0.
nor any programmer I've ever met.
>How do you conclude that based on a simple list of applications?
Understood. You don't need to need to worry about anything else.
Everything from the initial design proposal to the selection of
implementation language to the characteristics of the data structures
to the algorithms chosen are part of the process of creating a real-world
application. The actually compiler flags are in the noise, for the
most part.
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