Fortran to Webassembly

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Sujet : Fortran to Webassembly
De : davidd02 (at) *nospam* (David Duffy)
Groupes : comp.lang.fortran
Date : 11. Apr 2024, 00:46:07
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <uv78bt$18ub3$>
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Seems a bit quiet here.

Saw this via Hacker News - some of the commentary there is
informative eg that this is just to support running the R
stats package in the browser (R has a fair bit of Fortran code, even
though the guts are in C).

When I first ran the example, the handwritten digits classifier, it
was most unimpressive, but now seems to be working fine.

Cheers, David Duffy.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
11 Apr 24 o Fortran to Webassembly1David Duffy

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