Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?

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Sujet : Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?
De : Danny (at) *nospam* (R Daneel Olivaw)
Groupes : comp.lang.fortran
Date : 15. Oct 2024, 07:37:07
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Thomas Koenig wrote:
Lynn McGuire <> schrieb:
"DYNOSOR: a set of subroutines for dynamic memory organization in
Fortran programs"
One of our guys went to an ACM conference in 1977 and came back with
this paper.  It was the answer to our memory problems on the Univac
1108, the CDC 7600, and later the IBM 370.
 Only the first page is readable, the rest is behind paywall,
I converted the memory allocation scheme from a common block in 1992 ???
to using the C malloc, realloc, and free library functions.  Worked like
a champ on Unix, Vax VMS, IBM mainframes, and PC DOS using various F77
 If you're already using dynamic allocation, then you can of course
keep on doing what you are doing.  It will not be officially
supported, but the likelyhood of this continuing to work is high
(no guarantees, though).
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
(unless there are really good reasons)

Date Sujet#  Auteur
2 Oct 24 * Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?88Lynn McGuire
2 Oct 24 +* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?66Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2 Oct 24 i`* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?65Lynn McGuire
2 Oct 24 i +* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
3 Oct 24 i i`- Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?1Lynn McGuire
3 Oct 24 i `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?62Steven G. Kargl
3 Oct 24 i  `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?61Lynn McGuire
3 Oct 24 i   `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?60Steven G. Kargl
3 Oct 24 i    `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?59Lynn McGuire
3 Oct 24 i     +* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?3Steven G. Kargl
3 Oct 24 i     i`* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?2Clive Page
3 Oct 24 i     i `- Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?1Steven G. Kargl
3 Oct 24 i     +* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?37Lawrence D'Oliveiro
3 Oct 24 i     i`* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?36Lynn McGuire
3 Oct 24 i     i `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?35Lawrence D'Oliveiro
4 Oct 24 i     i  +* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?33Lynn McGuire
4 Oct 24 i     i  i`* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?32Lawrence D'Oliveiro
5 Oct 24 i     i  i `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?31Lynn McGuire
5 Oct 24 i     i  i  `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?30Lawrence D'Oliveiro
5 Oct 24 i     i  i   `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?29Lynn McGuire
20 Oct 24 i     i  i    `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?28Lawrence D'Oliveiro
21 Oct 24 i     i  i     `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?27Lynn McGuire
21 Oct 24 i     i  i      `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?26Thomas Koenig
22 Oct 24 i     i  i       `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?25Lynn McGuire
22 Oct 24 i     i  i        `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?24Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 Oct 24 i     i  i         +* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?2Lynn McGuire
23 Oct 24 i     i  i         i`- Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 Oct 24 i     i  i         `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?21Lynn McGuire
23 Oct 24 i     i  i          `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?20Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 Oct 24 i     i  i           `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?19Lynn McGuire
24 Oct 24 i     i  i            +- Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
24 Oct 24 i     i  i            `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?17Thomas Koenig
26 Oct 24 i     i  i             `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?16Lynn McGuire
26 Oct 24 i     i  i              +* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
26 Oct 24 i     i  i              i`- Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?1Lynn McGuire
26 Oct 24 i     i  i              `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?13Thomas Koenig
26 Oct 24 i     i  i               +* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?9Lawrence D'Oliveiro
26 Oct 24 i     i  i               i`* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?8Thomas Koenig
27 Oct 24 i     i  i               i `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?7Lawrence D'Oliveiro
27 Oct 24 i     i  i               i  `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?6Thomas Koenig
27 Oct 24 i     i  i               i   +* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?4Lawrence D'Oliveiro
28 Oct 24 i     i  i               i   i+- Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?1Lynn McGuire
29 Oct 24 i     i  i               i   i`* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?2James Kuyper
29 Oct 24 i     i  i               i   i `- Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?1Waldek Hebisch
28 Oct 24 i     i  i               i   `- Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?1Lynn McGuire
26 Oct 24 i     i  i               `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?3Lynn McGuire
26 Oct 24 i     i  i                `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?2Thomas Koenig
28 Oct 24 i     i  i                 `- Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?1Lynn McGuire
4 Oct 24 i     i  `- Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?1Lynn McGuire
13 Oct 24 i     `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?18Thomas Koenig
13 Oct 24 i      +* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?5R Daneel Olivaw
13 Oct 24 i      i`* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?4Thomas Koenig
13 Oct 24 i      i `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?3R Daneel Olivaw
13 Oct 24 i      i  `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
17 Oct 24 i      i   `- Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
13 Oct 24 i      +* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?2Gary Scott
13 Oct 24 i      i`- Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
14 Oct 24 i      +- Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?1Lynn McGuire
14 Oct 24 i      `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?9Lynn McGuire
15 Oct 24 i       `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?8Thomas Koenig
15 Oct 24 i        +- Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?1R Daneel Olivaw
15 Oct 24 i        +* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?4Lynn McGuire
15 Oct 24 i        i`* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?3Lawrence D'Oliveiro
16 Oct 24 i        i `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?2Lynn McGuire
16 Oct 24 i        i  `- Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
15 Oct 24 i        `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
16 Oct 24 i         `- Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
3 Oct 24 +* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?20R Daneel Olivaw
3 Oct 24 i`* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?19Steven G. Kargl
3 Oct 24 i `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?18R Daneel Olivaw
3 Oct 24 i  `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?17Lynn McGuire
3 Oct 24 i   `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?16Lawrence D'Oliveiro
4 Oct 24 i    `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?15R Daneel Olivaw
4 Oct 24 i     `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?14Lawrence D'Oliveiro
4 Oct 24 i      +* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?3Steven G. Kargl
5 Oct 24 i      i`* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?2R Daneel Olivaw
5 Oct 24 i      i `- Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?1Steven G. Kargl
4 Oct 24 i      `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?10Gary Scott
5 Oct 24 i       `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?9Clive Page
5 Oct 24 i        `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?8Gary Scott
6 Oct 24 i         `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?7Lawrence D'Oliveiro
6 Oct 24 i          `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?6Gary Scott
6 Oct 24 i           `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?5Lawrence D'Oliveiro
6 Oct 24 i            `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?4Gary Scott
6 Oct 24 i             `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?3Lawrence D'Oliveiro
6 Oct 24 i              `* Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?2Gary Scott
6 Oct 24 i               `- Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?1Gary Scott
4 Oct 24 `- Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?1Lynn McGuire

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