Sujet : Re: How do i get multiple Min() values?
De : HenHanna (at) *nospam* devnull.tb (HenHanna)
Groupes : comp.lang.python comp.lang.lispDate : 13. Jul 2024, 19:06:04
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v6ufmc$3mo35$>
References : 1 2
User-Agent : Mozilla Thunderbird
On 7/13/2024 5:56 AM, B. Pym wrote:
HenHanna wrote:
How do i get multiple Min() values?
e.g. for Y = (x-2)*(x-3) for x in range(-10,10)
the min Y is hit twice
print( min( ((x-2)*(x-3), (x, (x-2, x-3)))
for x in range(-10,10) ) )
is this easy in Scheme(Gauche) ?
Gauche Scheme
(use gauche.collection) ;; fold2
(define (min-by fn lst)
(if (null? lst)
(values '() #f)
(lambda (x best worth)
(let ((score (fn x)))
(cond ((< score worth) (values (list x) score))
((= score worth) (values (cons x best) worth))
(#t (values best worth)))))
(take lst 1) (fn (car lst))
(cdr lst))))
(min-by (lambda(x) (* (- x 2) (- x 3))) (lrange -10 11))
(3 2)
Thank you... i think Python and Scheme(Gauche) should give
me this by default:
a list(collection) of all the
( key1 "data1" ... etc )
( key2 "data2" ... etc ) ...
for which the Min key value was seen.