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Sujet : troglodytes
De : robin (at) *nospam* (Robin Becker)
Groupes : comp.lang.python
Date : 13. Aug 2024, 10:24:25
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User-Agent : Mozilla Thunderbird
I am clearly one of the troglodytes referred to in recent discussions around the PSF. I've been around in python land
for far too long, my eyesight fails etc etc.
I feel strongly that a miscarriage of justice has been made in the 3-month banning of a famous python developer from some areas of discourse.
I have had my share of disagreements with others in the past and have been sometimes violent or disrespectful in emails.
I might have been in the kill list of some, but never banned from any mailing lists.
Honest dialogue is much better than imposed silence.
-- grumblingly-yrs --
Robin Becker

Date Sujet#  Auteur
13 Aug 24 o troglodytes1Robin Becker

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