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>You buy a computer SYSTEM.
It's value to the end user is what the whole SYSTEM can do.
Does Apple charge a premium for expanding the storage? Absolutely.
Is it worth it in order to get a personal computer system that works as
well as a Mac does? Absolutely.
How is that not proving my point, that you're rationalizing?
Because I'm using a complete system that works well for me.
When I bought my current machine, I considered my space requirements and
got the 1TB option, and that cost me an additional $250.
I didn't do it for "bragging rights" or to declare my system to be "elite".
I did it because I USE the space.
And I paid Apple's premium because life experience (more than 30 years
using, selling, and supporting both Macs and Windows personal computers)
has shown me the value of a system that works as well as a Mac does.
My entire computer is the tool I purchased, and I looked at the entire
price of the tool I needed and the value of that tool to me and I paid
it. All in, the price as $2,200
I fully expect this tool to serve me well for the next 5-7 years, so the
monthly cost is no more than $36.67.
Nope. Rational people don't think that paying for something they're notAnd having empty space isn't "elite".
And yet Apple charges such a premium for it, that you would think it
was ...
using is in any way, shape or form "elite"?
There's a saying that you should learn:
'There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a
little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider
price only are this man's lawful prey.'
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