Java Jive wrote on Sun, 9 Jun 2024 16:44:37 +0100 :
� Many states now ban handheld cellphones.
Here in the UK, it's an offence to be using a handheld phone while driving.
When I researched the hell out of driving statistics a few years back, I
could only find reliable statistics for the USA and Australia, where,
paradoxically, the statistics in the UK were skewed the opposite of both
the USA and Australia.
Based on reliable *government* statistics (see caveat below):
1. Cellphones had no effect on the accident rate in the USA
2. Cellphones had no effect on the accident rate in the USA
3. Yet, paradoxically, the opposite was in the UK government reports!
Luckily, I live in the USA where the census bureau statistics on accident
rates is never questioned as it has been reported the same way since the
1920s so it's unfallible data that cellphones had no effect (up or down) on
the accident rate in all fifty states, alone, and in the aggregate.
They just didn't.
That's a fact.
Why it's a fact is up to conjecture and further analysis if you like.
But I have no desire to get into another discussion as to the facts that
ticketing cellphone users has zero effect on safety but certainly a direct
effect on increasing revenues....
But I will simply mention it, as most people believe things which have no
basis in actual facts, where the three entities which LOVE to promote
punishment of offenders are the following (as I've stated in the past).
1. Insurance companies
2. Government ticketing agencies
3. Personal injury lawyers
I realize most people are sheep who don't think, so I just put out the
statement that anyone who looks for the accident rate to have been affected
by cellphones during the period that they went from 0% in cars to nearly
100% in cars in the USA, will find that they can't find any reliable
agencies showing any facts that disagree with that statement.
What they will find though, are those three agencies spewing propaganda.
Because they make money off of it.
In summary, people who claim cellphones raised the accident rate have NEVER
looked it up, and when they do, they can only find those three agencies
claiming it, and it's clear to anyone sensible WHY those three do it.
But they can't find a single reliable agency that says otherwise, although
people like Chris have tried but he never looked at the entire record.
He cherry picked one anomaly while completely ignoring the entire record.
NOTE: I will not respond to anyone who hasn't shown he has read the US
Census excel spreadsheets who claims that the US Census Bureau is wrong.