Re: Sudden screen re-arrangement

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Sujet : Re: Sudden screen re-arrangement
De : bob.henson (at) *nospam* (Bob Henson)
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Date : 19. Mar 2024, 12:08:05
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Message-ID : <k2wnf7y27kyt$.lqjru1aftfki$>
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Ed Cryer wrote:

VanguardLH wrote:
That Search program is a right pain. It can't be uninstalled, and it
jumps in all the time with just a swipe on the screen.
It's obviously designed to be that intrusive, otherwise it would use a
different call.
I haven't had a recent update. I suspect "accidental damage" from having
it in a coat pocket, and bouncing it alive. Easily done. However, it's
one of these things that, once seen and learned , you don't forget next
time. So I take a positive spin on the experience, and thank David for a
quick solution.

Because of continual problems with my carefully ordered Home screen being
messed about (usually in my pocket, as you mentioned) I took someone's
advice and installed a new launcher. I chose the Microsoft Launcher (there
are others) because it's fairly simple to install and, most importantly, it
has the ability to lock the Home screen. I've had no problems since (and
it's a much better launcher than the one supplied with my Motorola g84 5G.

Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England

If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. — Mark Twain

Date Sujet#  Auteur
18 Mar 24 * Sudden screen re-arrangement11Ed Cryer
18 Mar 24 +* Re: Sudden screen re-arrangement3David Oseas
18 Mar 24 i+- Re: Sudden screen re-arrangement1Ed Cryer
19 Mar 24 i`- Re: Sudden screen re-arrangement-OT1jetjock
18 Mar 24 +* Re: Sudden screen re-arrangement5VanguardLH
18 Mar 24 i+* Re: Sudden screen re-arrangement2Ed Cryer
19 Mar 24 ii`- Re: Sudden screen re-arrangement1Bob Henson
19 Mar 24 i`* Re: Sudden screen re-arrangement2doseas
19 Mar 24 i `- Re: Sudden screen re-arrangement1Ed Cryer
19 Mar 24 `* Re: Sudden screen re-arrangement2Andy Burns
20 Mar 24  `- Re: Sudden screen re-arrangement1Ed Cryer

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