Re: how to reach someone who makes it h ard to reach him.

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Sujet : Re: how to reach someone who makes it h ard to reach him.
De : hugybear (at) *nospam* (Jörg Lorenz)
Groupes :
Date : 08. Apr 2024, 08:36:24
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Organisation : Camembert Normand au Lait Cru
Message-ID : <uv0398$3ant6$>
References : 1
User-Agent : Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:115.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/115.9.0
On 08.04.2024 00:25, micky wrote:
My brother, who has been sick and I'm worried about him, is usually
impossible** to reach.   It rings 5 or 6 times and goes to voicemail,
which is almost always full.   I visited two weeks ago and found he had
it set on DND.  I turned that off, but today it did the same thing.
If his phone were off, it would go to voicemail right away, right? or
almost right away, no 5 rings, Right?
Is there any other way it could ring 5 times and go to VM other than
Maybe he sets it to DND when he's sleeping and forgets to change it
back.   Is there some other settting he could use instead for sleeping?

That is by far the best method: It can be automated for time intervals.

Or a way that I could get it to ring aloud for me, even when set on DND?

Sure. Learn how to use DND. Google or DuckDuckGo are your friends.

My guess is: Your are getting on your brother's nerves.

"Ave Caesar! Morituri te salutant!"

Date Sujet#  Auteur
8 Apr 24 o Re: how to reach someone who makes it h ard to reach him.1Jörg Lorenz

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