Re: Steps counting apps

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Sujet : Re: Steps counting apps
De : robin_listas (at) *nospam* es.invalid (Carlos E.R.)
Groupes :
Date : 18. May 2024, 17:16:44
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Message-ID : <sbtmhkxqmt.ln2@Telcontar.valinor>
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On 2024-05-16 20:19, Jim the Geordie wrote:
In article <v25ess$1lp06$>, says...
On 16.05.24 19:05, Dave Royal wrote:
Jim the Geordie <> Wrote in message:
I just set up 4 apps before going out. When I got back: they said I had
taken 305, or 476, or 210, or 558 steps!!!
You can't have been out for long! Or they grossly underestimate.
Why not do a test, count your steps, and see which one us best?
+1; even the 558 steps are at best 250 m.
I see there's an NHS app: have you got that? And there are - or
  were - pedometers - maybe on ebay.
The whole issue depends on the sensor quality of the phone and how/where
the phone is placed during the count.
 all on the same phone at the same time
No, the location of the phone itself is important.
You have to repeat the test, placing the phone in different places.
Cheers, Carlos.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
16 May 24 * Steps counting apps26Jim the Geordie
16 May 24 +* Re: Steps counting apps22Carlos E.R.
16 May 24 i+* Re: Steps counting apps19Jörg Lorenz
16 May 24 ii+* Re: Steps counting apps17Jim the Geordie
16 May 24 iii+- Re: Steps counting apps1Frank Slootweg
16 May 24 iii`* Re: Steps counting apps15Dave Royal
16 May 24 iii +* Re: Steps counting apps6Jörg Lorenz
16 May 24 iii i+- Re: Steps counting apps1Frank Slootweg
16 May 24 iii i`* Re: Steps counting apps4Jim the Geordie
16 May 24 iii i +- Re: Steps counting apps1Andrew
16 May 24 iii i +- Re: Steps counting apps1Dave Royal
18 May 24 iii i `- Re: Steps counting apps1Carlos E.R.
17 May 24 iii `* Re: Steps counting apps - and finally8Jim the Geordie
17 May 24 iii  `* Re: Steps counting apps - and finally7Andrew
17 May 24 iii   `* Re: Steps counting apps - and finally6Jim the Geordie
17 May 24 iii    `* Re: Steps counting apps - and finally5Andrew
17 May 24 iii     `* Re: Steps counting apps - and finally4Andrew
18 May 24 iii      `* Re: Steps counting apps - and finally3Jim the Geordie
19 May 24 iii       `* Re: Steps counting apps - and finally2Chris
19 May 24 iii        `- Re: Steps counting apps - and finally1Andrew
18 May 24 ii`- Re: Steps counting apps1Carlos E.R.
16 May 24 i`* Re: Steps counting apps2Jim the Geordie
16 May 24 i `- Re: Steps counting apps1VanguardLH
20 May 24 +- Re: Steps counting apps1Anssi Saari
21 May 24 `* Re: Steps counting apps2Arno Welzel
24 May 24  `- Re: Steps counting apps1Danart

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