Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document

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Sujet : Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document
De : andrew (at) *nospam* (Andrew)
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Date : 19. May 2024, 20:56:43
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Organisation : BWH Usenet Archive (
Message-ID : <v2di1a$27fo$>
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Frank Slootweg wrote on 19 May 2024 10:02:46 GMT :

And then carry around a separate device?!
  I interpreted his "portable storage" as a sneaker-net mechanism,
copying a bunch of files from device X to device Y, where X and Y can be
any device which can handle MicroSD cards.
  (IM) For *that*, a memory-stick is much more conevenient than fiddling
with tiny MicroSD cards and tiny 'slots'/'trays'.
  But meanwhile he has explained that he uses the MicroSD card to
move a complete file system from and 'old' phone to a 'new' one. So he
is not copying files, but moving a complete file system.
  That is a very specific use of the MicroSD card feature, not something
I would have described with a general term like "portable storage".

This is so basic that it's shocking that the Apple people don't know it.

As I said, there are at multiple use models for using the sd card in a
expandable/extensible & movable/portable sense.

Most people, including myself, use the sd card to store data, APKs, map
databases, encrypted files and media files.

However... since I re-format all my sd cards to the same volume label, I
also use the sd card to repopulate another phone when the need arises, and
the beauty is that everything works instantly. I can even repopulate the
_same_ phone with a larger card, if and when the need arises, simply by
ensuring the volume label and the top-level /0001/{folders} tree
remains consistent.

The entire file system is portable!
It's a brilliant use of sd cards, in fact.

That a phone without sd is crippled compared to one with sd is so obvious
that for there to be any disagreement only means the child-like Apple users
are on the thread as it's all well-known fact what sd adds to the phone.

Which is why many Android phones still have sd card slots, including mine.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
16 May 24 * Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document53sms
16 May 24 +* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document3Jan K.
16 May 24 i+- Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document1Your Name
16 May 24 i`- Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document1Jörg Lorenz
16 May 24 +* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document6badgolferman
16 May 24 i+* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document4Andrew
16 May 24 ii`* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document3badgolferman
16 May 24 ii +- Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document1Andrew
18 May 24 ii `- Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document1sms
18 May 24 i`- Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document1sms
16 May 24 +* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document3badgolferman
16 May 24 i`* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document2Andrew
16 May 24 i `- Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document1Andrew
16 May 24 +* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document39Andrew
17 May 24 i`* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document38Andrew
17 May 24 i `* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document37Frank Slootweg
17 May 24 i  +- Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document1Alan
17 May 24 i  +* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document19Andrew
17 May 24 i  i`* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document18Alan
18 May 24 i  i `* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document17Hank Rogers
18 May 24 i  i  +- Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document1Alan
18 May 24 i  i  +- Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document1Jolly Roger
18 May 24 i  i  `* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document14Andrew
18 May 24 i  i   `* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document13Alan
22 May 24 i  i    `* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document12-hh
22 May 24 i  i     +* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document6Andrew
22 May 24 i  i     i+- Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document1Alan
24 May 24 i  i     i`* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document4-hh
24 May 24 i  i     i `* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document3Andrew
25 May 24 i  i     i  +- Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document1Alan
26 May 24 i  i     i  `- Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document1-hh
24 May 24 i  i     `* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document5sms
25 May 24 i  i      `* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document4Alan
26 May 24 i  i       `* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document3-hh
26 May 24 i  i        +- Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document1sms
26 May 24 i  i        `- Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document1Alan
18 May 24 i  `* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document16sms
18 May 24 i   +* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document4Andrew
18 May 24 i   i`* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document3Alan
19 May 24 i   i `* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document2Hank Rogers
19 May 24 i   i  `- Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document1Alan
19 May 24 i   `* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document11Frank Slootweg
19 May 24 i    +- Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document1Alan
19 May 24 i    `* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document9Andrew
19 May 24 i     `* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document8Jolly Roger
19 May 24 i      `* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document7Andrew
19 May 24 i       `* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document6Jolly Roger
19 May 24 i        `* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document5Andrew
19 May 24 i         `* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document4Jolly Roger
19 May 24 i          `* Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document3Andrew
20 May 24 i           +- Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document1Jolly Roger
20 May 24 i           `- Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document1Alan
18 May 24 `- Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document1Andy Burns

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