Re: Nexus 7 - 3rd-party ROMs [was: Stiii Ticking]

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Sujet : Re: Nexus 7 - 3rd-party ROMs [was: Stiii Ticking]
De : usenet (at) *nospam* (Andy Burns)
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Date : 24. May 2024, 08:04:06
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Bob Martin wrote:

Used to flash CM almost weekly in early days of N7.
Likewise TWRP.
Same here for my N1 (still working) and N7 (long gone) it was necessary to resize your own partitions, or move them from internal flash to SDcard.

Android is a lot less fun these days!
OTOH, it largely just works, so the need to tinker has gone away, the last device I used a 3rd party ROM on was either my N4 or N5x, can't remember which.
It was a good way to learn about Android, back when .apk sizes were measured in kB not hundreds of of MB.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
22 May 24 * Re: Stiii Ticking5Dave Royal
23 May 24 `* Re: Stiii Ticking4Bob Martin
23 May 24  `* Nexus 7 - 3rd-party ROMs [was: Stiii Ticking]3Dave Royal
24 May 24   `* Re: Nexus 7 - 3rd-party ROMs [was: Stiii Ticking]2Bob Martin
24 May 24    `- Re: Nexus 7 - 3rd-party ROMs [was: Stiii Ticking]1Andy Burns

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